Yaesu FT-101 Repair
-Nothing but Yaesu FT-101 radios serviced here-
Contact Me- I am available from 6pm-9pm EST on weekdays and weekends.
Other times I am fixing radios or on the air!
Email Me- I am always available for an email. Please share your stories and
photos of your classic FT-101 station.
eHam Review- See what others think about my FT-101 repair services: www.eHam.net
FaceBook! See my running diary, commentary, tid-bits, and photos: FT-101 Repair
Where to Ship- The FT-101 Repair Mailing Address is: (Dont forget to get your R/A Number first!!)
FT-101 Repair - R/Axxxxx (your R/A Number)
ATTN: Al Rabassa - NW2M
17100 Amity Dr
Rockville MD 20855-2562
About Me- As I said before; I am a Yaesu FT-101 owner, avid collector, and operator. I have Worked All Continents (WAC), Worked All States (WAS), and 150 countries on DXCC. I have a 50' 3-section crank-up tower that tilts over. It supports an Explorer EXP-14 tri-band beam, along with an 80M wire dipole that I can load up on other bands. I enjoy SWL at night on a Yaesu FRG-7700, another Yaesu! During my early morning (6am) commute, I enjoy listening to distant AM broadcasts.
About the Shop- Next to my main operating station, I have a dedicated repair space. The major diagnostic and test equipment include:
- Yaesu FT-101 Board Extenders (a complete Factory set) to extend any board for testing.
- Spare plug-in boards to quickly determine on-board or in-chassis fault.
- Parts Radios for that impossible-to-find part. Forget eBay! I know what I have works!
- Wide-Screen HD 21:9 display for all manuals and reference materials. No one uses paper anymore!
- Motorola R2004D/HS Service monitor- Spectrum Analyzer, Wattmeter, RF&AF Generator, Tone Generators, O'scope, etc.
- 100 MHz Tektronix TDS-220 oscilloscope, 2-Channel, XY mode for Trapezoid Linearity Test.
- 5,000 Volt probes for live high-voltage power supply tests (750V FT-101, 2500V FL-2100B, 1300V YO-101).
- Fluke 189 multimeter with 1000 VDC capability with Test Probes. Measure all HV and LV rail voltages and ripple content.
- Temperature controlled pencil soldering station. Kester solder and flux.
- Temperature controlled hot-air surface mount re-work station- used on FT-101s to soften "stuck" waxed tuning slugs!
- Eico 667 Tube and Transistor Tester. Complete tube testing and performance measurements.
- TC-1 Transistor Tester- electrical parameters including hfe.
- TC-1 Diode Tester- electrical performance for single and matched diode-quads (mixer).
- TC-1 Capacitor Tester- capacitance, ESR, and loss. Quickly determine capacitor health.
- TC-1 Inductor Tester- inductance and resistance.
- Colored spools of hook-up wire to color-match the FT-101 chassis wiring.
- An all-mode Yaesu FRG-7700 Receiver as a test/slave receiver. (100kHz to 30MHz)
- ESD-Safe and Grounded workbench- not needed for FT-101s, more of a padded and scratch resistant surface for your FT-101.
- Temperature and Humidity controlled work environment. It is a great place to work!
A partial view of the FT-101 Repair service bench.